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LEARN BLENDER: I need to get into 3D Modeling. I NEED to.

BE A BETTER DUNGEON MASTER: My first ever campaign fizzled out when I took it to full homebrew. I want to learn from that. I need to be a better DM.

GET SWOLE: aka go to the gym more. I haven't been going as of recent because of the holidays + I got a fucked up and evil cold.

ANIMATE A VIDEO: An animatic, a small animation, I don't care which.

GET A TATTOO: Something dungeons and dragons, pokemon, queer, or one that just says 'hedonistic martyr' or something.

PLAY MORE GAMES: I can't just fucking play Scarlet and Violet and Baldur's Gate 3 this year. MORE GAMES!
(I'm changing this from what I had because January is always a dry art month for me, but I didn't have any games to look forward to this year. Maybe I missed a gem or two.)

COME OUT??: I'm gaslighting my parents, my voice was always this deep.

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